28 09, 2021

ABX + Intent Data = The New ABM

2024-08-22T10:34:37-05:00September 28, 2021|

ABX + Intent Data = The New ABM By Vincent Fontana, Vice President of Media Partnerships Contrary to what B2B Marketing and Sales professionals like to think, ABM is not the lifeblood nor the panacea for lack of revenue or what I like to refer to as the [...]

13 09, 2021

But First, Phone Calls

2024-08-22T10:34:38-05:00September 13, 2021|

But First, Phone Calls By Davis Tull, Director of Sales Development It’s time to reconsider how you approach prospecting. BlueWhale Research believes effective prospecting starts with making phone calls and making them first. This eliminates the most common email objection of “take me off your list” and allows [...]

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