2024 IT Buyers’ Marketing Preferences Survey

Discover effective marketing tactics for reaching IT decision makers.

Download the eBook to learn more about:

  • The future of IT investments
  • IT decision makers’ key considerations for evaluating new technologies
  • What motivates IT buyers to meet with new technology vendors
  • The implications of these findings for B2B marketing strategies targeting IT buyers

Get the eBook

Download - IT Buyers Marketing Preferences Survey eBook
GDPR Consent

2024 IT Buyers’ Marketing Preferences Survey

Discover effective marketing tactics for reaching IT decision makers.

Download the eBook to learn more about:

  • The future of IT investments
  • IT decision makers’ key considerations for evaluating new technologies
  • What motivates IT buyers to meet with new technology vendors
  • The implications of these findings for B2B marketing strategies targeting IT buyers

Get the eBook

Download - Demand Generation Trend Report
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Discover the latest trends in IT buyer preferences.